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I am a product of public schools. The collective promise of and investment made in my public education helped me become the individual I am today. Serving as a trustee on a public school board of education is one way I return that public investment. I will always champion public schools. 

I believe:

• All students must feel safe, valued and respected in order to learn. There's a saying that "you must reach a child to teach a child." I believe this starts with the tone set from the board table, the leadership from district and building Administrators, and most importantly, the dedication of the educators in front of our students every day. These connections are essential to nurturing learning and growth while at school. 


Our local public schools serve ALL students and must meet their needs at any level. As someone who's own brother was unable to attend school in a time when accommodations weren't mandated I believe access to public education is a moral obligation. For. Every. Child. 

That parents and caregivers do have a say in their own child's education​Strong connections and communication between a student's parents and/or caregivers with their school are critical for every student's longterm success. I will continuously advocate to build upon what works and improve both of these areas for the benefit of the students and the community our school board represents.​


• In working collaboratively so our school district can continue to be innovative when it comes to educating and meeting student's learning needs. During my tenure as a school board trustee I've been a part of decision making that's expanded learning opportunities and implemented unique initiatives for our students. I will continue to work to ensure and advocate for future academic offerings through our newly adopted strategic plan's vision.

Academics - new initiatives during my tenure as an RCS Trustee:

  • AP Capstone - first diplomas awarded in 2020

  • Orchestra program launched in 2018 for secondary

  • Transitional kindergarten classes 

  • One-to-one technology initiative

  • Seal of Biliteracy, recognizing world language proficiency for graduates

  • Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for outstanding commitment to music education - every year since 2016

  • 25 AP courses — last year, 3,500 AP tests administered

  • New Global initiatives in Germany, Costa Rica

• In being a good steward of taxpayer dollars by maintaining a balanced budget that is responsible in the use of public monies, is sustainable long-term, and fulfills our mandate to educate every child. 

My board colleagues and I oversee a general fund budget of $228 million and a student body of 14,800+. We are the largest employer in the greater Rochester area, with a staff of 1,000+.  Despite the lack of funding in Michigan that hasn't kept up with the rate of inflation for decades in K-12 education, RCS has worked diligently during my time on this board to: 


  • Align expenditures with available resources,

  • Deliver a balanced budget 

  • Ensure the district’s fund balance increased above 10 percent (current fund balance 18.6%),

  • Eliminated its line of credit, and

  • Upgraded its credit rating - twice 

  • In 2019, RCS sold its Series II bonds in a nationwide competitive sale at a premium of almost $1M (translation = taxpayer savings). This competitive sale was made possible by all of the above. 


• The arts enhance public education. As a graphic designer by trade I know firsthand the positive impact the arts have on a child's education because I was one that benefitted from a great arts program while in high school. Continuing to support all forms of creative learning: visual, performance, or language arts will continue to develop unique pathways to learning for every student we serve in RCS. 

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Barbara Anness
145 S. Livernois PMB 205 Rochester HIlls, MI 48309

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